Fly! Don't Fall!

Fly! Don't Fall!
Fly! Don't Fall!

Monday, February 10, 2014

The Question of LIfe

I do not know why, but right now I am questioning life and how it all started. Their are so many mysteries in this weird that are unsolvable. We all wonder how we were all created but currently I'm really searching for the answer. If you look in the Bible it says that Earth and the whole Solar System was created by God. God was the one who started the Big Bang and created life. God plainly said, "Here's the ocean," "Here's trees and plants," "Here's life." It does not make much sense to me. Is it really that simple? I also have theories that our lives may just be a women's imagination or it could just be the Matrix. I do not actually know. I'm just wondering how we all actually got here and how we've done so well. Did Adam and Eve rise from the soil of the Earth and wandered the Earth and mated and created our civilization. If so, how did they survive? They had like 11-children and they some how kept them all alive. Although, they were newly born and they some how knew how to hunt and gather food and create shelter. Did God give them all of these abilities, and if so, why don't we have these natural instincts. I'm just questioning everything and I would really like some answers to how everything began. I mean, even when the Earth was created we didn't have life for over 5,000 years and then the dinosaurs some how appeared. But before we had the dinosaurs we had prehistoric plants that seem like they would be on some other planet. It doesn't seem real but it is, thanks to science. But science just get's more in the way. So how did the Earth, and us animals, come to be? Is it like Prometheus and we were created by aliens? Is it like the Matrix and we're just in some computer program, that's run by other robots? And if all of that is true, how was all of that created? How were those aliens, that created us, come to be? How us humans, that created the ruling Matrix robots, come to be? How are we here? Who created us? I need answers...